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Circular Building

Diary Of An Apartment Investor

The Educational Podcast For Apartment Investors & Future Syndicators

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Featured Podcasts

Brian Briscoe | Bernadeau Charles

Our guest Bernadeau Charles, talks about his experience with deals, and the importance of finding what value you can bring to the table.

Brian Briscoe | Eric Charlton

Learn how to raise capital, approach your network & ask for advice with Eric Charlton

Brian Briscoe | Luc D'abreau | Daisy Serrano

Guests Luc D'Abreau & Daisy Serrano explain the importance of networking, utilizing knowledge from experienced investors and taking action.

Brian Briscoe | Brian Wagers | Morgan Jones

Listen to Brian Wagers go over how to make sure your underwriting accounts for your future market performance with Morgan Jones.

Brian Briscoe | Crystal Ribail

Getting started with your first deal can be overwhelming. Listen to Crystal Ribail’s experience on her first deal and why it is important to ask for help.

Brian Briscoe | Savannah Arroyo | Kelly Copeland

The obstacles you will have to overcome within your first deal. Listen to Savannah Arroyo’s advice on how to get deals to cash flow and how to source those deals.

Brian Briscoe | Jonathan Nichols | Paula Nichols

There are various challenges when first going into multifamily investment. Listen to Jonathan and Paula Nichols expand on their new deal and advice on how to build an adequate team.

Brian Briscoe | Jens Nielsen | Adrian Chuquillangui

How to attract accredited investors and how to raise capital. Listen to Jens Nielsen explain how to look for investors when you are first starting out.

Brian Briscoe | Martin Reriani | Andrew Kuntzman

Building a team to aid with various aspects of multifamily is crucial in order to account for your weaknesses. Listen to Martin Reriani explain how he built his team in order to be able to balance work and familial relationships.

Brian Briscoe | Rob Rowsell | Austin Cook

Working with an SEC attorney is something all syndicators will need to do at some time. Listen to Rob Rowsell go over his experience with working with SEC attorney and what he recommends all syndicators to do early on if they decide to partner.

Brian Briscoe | Kim Radaker Bays | Adam Mitchell

Knowing how to build your team, how to compensate, and what to delegate is important as you begin to grow. Listen to Kim Radaker Bays go over her approach to building a team as she provides other valuable insights to Adam Mitchell.

Brian Briscoe | Coty Dolan

Figuring out the right size for your first deal is something all aspiring investors struggle with. Listen to Coty Dolan explain why 50 units and above is the right size for your first deal.

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